Sword in the Stone Family
Disney Family, Planner and Blogger
Our family’s love for Disney started decades ago. As children Jennifer and Scott both went to Disney parks with their families.
​After that trip together in 1991, we become even bigger Disney fans. We stayed at the old Disney Institute resort where Jennifer was luckily enough to participate in a Disney business course.
​In 2005 while pregnant, we visited Disneyland and Walt Disney Studio Park. Not well planned but an amazing experience we hope to repeat soon.
​This love only grew more and faster after our first visit to Walt Disney World with our son, Alexander, at age 2 1/2. After that visit, Disney World was pretty much an annual adventure.
In 2015, the family had the opportunity to become Disneyland Annual Passholders which made Disney a habit not a vacation.
​All these magical moments plus many more is what inspired us to start this Sword in the Stone Family blog.